Cleaning and cosmetics – Soaps and detergents
Chemical Cleaning and cosmetics – Soaps and detergents The Cleaning and Cosmetics production chain includes the production of detergents and cleaning products, soaps and cosmetics.
During the first half of 2018, imports of agrochemicals were registered for a value of USD $145 million.
According to the FAO, the global consumption of fertilizers will exceed 200 million tons by 2018, with a growth of 25% compared to what was recorded in 2008 and it is expected that, for Latin America, it will grow at a rate of 3.3 % in 2018.
Chemical Cleaning and cosmetics – Soaps and detergents The Cleaning and Cosmetics production chain includes the production of detergents and cleaning products, soaps and cosmetics.
Chemical Corn seeds – Vegetables Seeds are the main input for food production systems, and are of great importance as they are the structure responsible
Chemical Plastic The world is turning to a more aware culture regarding the use of plastic, which is why many governments have begun to restrict
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