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Technology Calentadores Between January and December 2018, USD$12.3 million in heaters were imported, 12.74% less than the previous year, however, when talking about the units,

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Solar panels

Technology Solar panels Power generation is a relevant issue for all countries, which is why the Colombian Ministry of Mines established the guidelines for contracting

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Electric plants

Technology Electric plants Imports of power plants increased in the first half of 2018. In Colombia, 64% of energy production is based on hydraulic power,

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Kitchens – Refrigeration

Technology Kitchens – Refrigeration The Kitchens sector, together with its segments, is considered a good for continuous use, so there is a wide range of

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Air conditioning – Refrigeration

Technology Air conditioning – Refrigeration In Colombia, the air conditioning market – both industrial and domestic – has become more dynamic due to the construction

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UPS – Motors

Technology UPS – Motors Motors are the systematic part of a machine, capable of making the entire system work, transforming some type of energy (electrical,

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Electric plants – white line

Techonology Electric plants – white line Appliances have always been elements of great importance and necessity in Colombian homes. Now, with the rise of technology,

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Special electronic security

Techonology Special electronic security If the new National Police and Coexistence Code is enacted, the electronic security industry could experience a real boom in the

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Cell phones – Computers

Techonology Cell phones – Computers The mobile telephony market in Colombia is one of those that has shown the greatest growth in recent years. At

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